HomeFocusing Workshop for Focusers
How can we take Focusing home with us?
We listen openly and patiently to our focusing partners or to our clients. We can be curious, empathic to their pain, be present and accepting to everything they feel and say.

But what happens when we get home, to the people we love most, to those we worry about most, when they are struggling in pain, or worse – angry at us? 
How can we bring focusing qualities to our daily life? How can we speak Focusing language in everyday words? How can we be with our closest, most important people, in a Focusing way?

In HomeFocusing experiential workshops we become familiarized with HomeFocusing – a unique approach that enables us to take home, to our closest and most challenging relationships, the healing attitude and qualities of Focusing. By forming focusing-oriented relationships, we can reshape our ways of being with ourselves and with others, in our everyday life.

In the workshop you will explore different aspects and challenges of close relationships and practice a deep and practical approach toward your own process, your loved ones and others.

In HomeFocusing workshops we learn through experience, as in real life: exploring ourselves – mind, body & soul, our relationships and systems, using the interaction within the group, and unique excersises and ideas.
HomeFocusing training for professional focusers
This workshop is a part of HomeFocusing training for professional focusers and Focusing counselors and therapists.

HomeFocusing training deepens our exploration of Focusing as an inner relationship as well as qualities of beneficial relationships with others.
HomeFocusing invites us to bring radical acceptance and deep listening to our most challanging interactions, to our daily life and to the systems we are a part of.
The training will also enable you to bring these benefits to the processes you accompany.

The training has four modules of 2-days workshops, all include the basic ideas and attitude of Focusing Oriented Relationships and the power of The Field - the shared space of the system.
Attending all four modules – not necessarily in a certain order - merits a certification as HomeFocusing Facilitator.

The upcoming workshop topic - Criticism
In this 2-days workshop we will explore the most common, influential and destructive phenomena in our lives and relationships - criticism.

In the workshop we'll ask - and try to find some answers to - some substential questions -

What is criticism and how does it affect our relationships?
What is the connection between inner and outer criticism?
How can we express and communicate our criticising parts without harming our relationships?

We'll go deep (gently and carefully) into the vortex of criticism and trauma, in our personal processes and in our society and systems. We'll find our resources and ways to support our process regarding inner criticism, our criticising others and being criticised by others, and more.
What can you get from this workshop?
  • A new way to talk & listen to your loved ones
  • Improving trust and communication at home
  • Finding and establishing our resources
  • Dealing with inner and outer critics
  • Combining Focusing with Systemic & Familly Constellation
  • Exploring a different kind of Focusing
Practical important information:
Who is it for? 
Experienced focusers (at least level 1), who wish to widen and deepen their own process and the processes of their families and clients.

When, where and how much?
Saturday and Sunday 25-26 October 2024 from 10 till 17:30
In the wonderful venue of Samaya, near Utrecht in The Netherlands.
Costs, inclusding a generous lunch and coffee, tea and refreshments all day: €385
Early bird price until 26/8/24 - 335
Accommodations - There are lovely and affordable hotels and airbnb you can book, we'll be happy to help.

What to bring? 
Comfortable clothes and an issue from one of your close relationships that you wish to work on.

How do I register? Contact us by the form below and we'll get back to you.
The registration will be valid after the receipt of a non-refundable deposit of €50

What if I have more questions?
Practical questions you may refer to  Rene Veugelers in The Netherlands.
Content questions you may ask Annat Gal on.
What if I'm not sure? Let's meet!
That's understandable, you may have some doubts or concerns.
Annat is offering a personal Zoom meeting (20-30 minutes), free of charge and no obligation, that will allow an acquaintance, asking questions and maybe even a short HomeFocusing session.
Contact Annat to schdule a meeting!
The trainer: Annat Gal-on
Annat is a Focusing coordinator and trainer for adults and children and a Family Constellation facilitator.

She is the developer and facilitator of HomeFocusing, a holistic approach that refers not only to our internal system, but also to the systems of which we are a part of in our everyday life.

Annat teaches HomeFocusing classes and accompanies individuals, couples and families with HomeFocusing processes, on the wonderful journey inside and out.

You can read more about Annat here, and read some of her writings about Focusing, relationships and more - here in her blog.
I want to register!
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Remarks / Comments
Hope to see you!